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Case Report Open Access

Esthetic Correction with Laminate Veneers - A Case Series


One of the most successful developments in dentistry has been the meteoric rise of bonded veneers. It is a layer of tooth coloured material that is applied to a tooth for esthetically restoring localized or generalized defects or intrinsic discolouration. Newer techniques and materials make conservative dentistry a reality, with the esthetic results readily visible to and greatly appreciated by, the patient. Currently, the most conservative and esthetic restoration that can be used for improving smile is Porcelain laminate veneers. This article highlights the esthetic correction of young patients with enamel hypoplasia, midline diastema and peg laterals using porcelain laminate veneers

Deepak Thomas, Krishnan Hari, Joy Mathew and Sajeev Bhaskaran

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