ISSN: 2319-9873

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Research Article Open Access

Estimating Ice Slurry's Apparent Viscosity at Various Additive Concentrations


This work attempted to conduct an experimental study which demonstrates the effect of the initial concentration of solute on the apparent viscosity of ice slurry in a horizontal circular pipe. The study was conducted on ice slurry based on monopropylene glycol, MPG, varying from 5% to 24% with different ice mass fractions varying from 5% to 25%. During the experiments, the initial concentration of the MPG, ice concentration, and flow rate were modified as parameters. The flow tests were performed on laminar flows. The results of the investigation revealed that the ice slurry behaved like a non-Newtonian fluid while it sometimes behaved like a Newtonian fluid. The rheological behavior of the ice slurry is reflected by its viscosity. For the shear thickening behavior, the apparent viscosity increases with increasing the shear rate, and for the shear thinning behavior, the viscosity decreases with increasing the shear rate, while for the Newtonian behavior, the viscosity remains almost constant. Then it was revealed that the viscosity of the mixture became too high for low shear rates at high ice mass fractions by increasing the concentration of the solute. The power law was used to establish a relationship between the apparent viscosity and the indexes of flow and consistency of ice slurry.

Souheila Mellari*

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