ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Estimation of Software Quality using Object Oriented Design Metrics
In software development industry the steps towards corrective actions for successful software development process comes too late resulting in ineffectiveness, late delivery, over budget and poor quality with reduced capabilities. An early estimation towards software post-release quality can be a useful remedy to maximize the business result by shortening the time and increasing the probability of project success. The development team is also a beneficiary of the software quality estimation technique as they get an early warning regarding the quality of their product. Software quality estimation has been proved to be one of the most upcoming as well as interesting research topics of the decade which aims to identify and minimize the error prone tasks to minimize the development cost. Traditional software metrics aims at the procedure-oriented development because of which it cannot fullfill the requirement of object-oriented software resulting in popularity of object-oriented design metrics in industrial software development environment as it helps in the development of higher quality products with low cost over their maintenance. Object-oriented metrics is capable of providing all the parameters to estimate the complexity and quality related issues at the early development stage of a software. In this paper we have studied and analyzed the object – oriented metrics namely MOOD Metrics, CK Metrics, and QMOOD Metrics and present the case study of how they are useful in determining the software quality developed implementing object-oriented paradigm.
Ritu Chauhan, Rahul Singh , Ashish Saraswat, Anwar Husain Joya, Vinit Kumar Gunjan
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