ISSN: 2320-0189
Ethno-Medicinal Survey of Important Plants of Samburu Community (Wamba)-Samburu District in Kenya
Ethno medicines are developed by the ethnobotanical and ethnopharmacological surveys. This study work revealed the use of traditional ethnomedicines by the Samburu community (Wamba). A total of 33 plant species belonging to 5 families and different species were reported of having ethnomedicinal utilizations were collected after carrying out simple interviews. The family of Mimosaceae had the highest number of the medicinal plants collected. Sixteen medicinal plants were collected at Namunyak Conservancy, twelve from Nkaroni Conservancy and five from West gate Conservancy. Most of the medicinal plants collected were used to treat diarrhoeal diseases but others treat yellow fever, mumps, malaria, sexually transmitted infections like gonorrhea, pneumonia, eye problems, wounds, dewormers, oral thrush, whooping cough, and ear infections amongst many other uses.
EO Omwenga, PK Mbugua and PO Okemo
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