e-ISSN No.:2581-3897
Ethno-veterinary Formulation for Treatment of Bovine Mastitis
Introduction: The objectives of the study were to clinical field trial of ethno-veterinary medicine for cure of mastitis, to conduct an intervention impact analysis on the reduction of antibiotic residue in the milk when herbal formulation is used and to evaluate in vitro the pharmacological understanding of the ingredients in the formulation based on the published literature and phytochemical assessment. Methods: The herbal formulation for mastitis was documented from a healer and the safety and efficacy were confirmed using the methodology suggested earlier. Clinical mastitis was identified by California Mastitis Test (CMT) method. The pH, Somatic Cell Count (SCC) and Electric Conductivity (EC) were monitored and documented before and post treatment with Ethno-Veterinary Medicine (EVM) in the field studies involving 27 animals. Freshly prepared fine paste herbal formulation was applied externally over the udder 10 times per day for 7 days. Before each application the udder was washed well with water and the milk from all quarters was removed completely. The affected cows were also fed with 2 lemon fruits twice daily. Bulk milk samples were tested for the presence of antibiotic residue(s) in milk before and after intervention. The pharmacological understanding of the ingredients in the formulation valuated based on the published literature and phytochemical assessment. Results: The select parameters (pH, SCC, EC) in the animals with mastitis became normal within 6-7 days of treatment. The milk production returned to near normal to the pre-mastitis level. Hence the mastitis can be efficiently managed with this formulation. The intervention impact analysis showed 18 to 49% reduction in antibiotic residues in the milk. The combination [Aloe vera (L.) Burm. F. Curcuma longa L. and calcium hydroxide] acts synergistically and provides effective cure in clinical mastitis owing to its broad spectrum antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory activities. Conclusion: The mastitis can be efficiently managed with this formulation. The intervention impact analysis showed 18-49% reduction in antibiotic residues in the milk. The combination [Aloe vera (L.) Burm. F. Curcuma longa L. and calcium hydroxide] acts synergistically and provides an effective cure in clinical mastitis owing to its broad spectrum antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory activities.
Balakrishnan Nair, Punniamurthy N, Mekala P, Ramakrishnan N and Kumar SK
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