Research Article Open Access
Evaluating the Viability of Solutions to the Hubble Tension
The model dependent and independent measurements of the Hubble
constant H0 are in a 4.4Ã tension, which increases to 5.3 Ã after the inclusion
of independent time-delay cosmography data. This tension has been one
of the most important discordance in cosmology, suggesting unknown
systematic errors or potentially new physics beyond the standard model of
cosmology. We analyze the current literature of independent experimental
results, the reproduciblility of which leads to the conclusion that theoretical
solutions would be more promising than unknown systematic errors. Several
exotic theoretical scenarios not affecting the ΛCDM model are then evaluated
and ruled out, leaving modifications to ΛCDM to be the more likely category.
As a result of the tight constraints imposed by the CMB data, it is concluded
that new pre-recombination mechanisms would be more promising than
alterations of late universe expansion history as predicted by ΛCDM. Then,
two relatively promising early universe modifications are evaluated, giving
the conclusion that ∆Neff models are weakly preferred over EDE models and
could therefore be a route for future research, though it is noted that neither
theories can yet fully resolve the Hubble tension. For definitive confirmation
or rejection of most models, data from the next generation experiments with
a higher precision would be needed. Junhe Chen
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