e-ISSN: 2320-7949 and p-ISSN: 2322-0090
Evaluation in vitro of Flexural Strength of Three Resins for Provisional Crowns in CAD/CAM System
Background: The provisory crown is elements essentials to the oral prosthodontics rehabilitation. The requirement to a better aesthetic and strength made the odontologic industry to develop new materials and new methods for making provisory crowns. As well as new materials has emerged in an attempt to increase the strength and aesthetic and reducing the clinical time. The CAD/CAM system (solution chair side), brought the advantage of faster and comfort to the patient associated with better marginal adaptation. The different methods of making these provisory crowns are efficient however there are few studies showing the clinical quality of these materials mainly related to fractures and durability with use over time. Aim: This study evaluated the flexural strength, after the specimen’s thermo cycling of three materials for making provisory crowns. Materials and methods: It was made 60 specimens measuring 25 x 2 x 2 mm, which were milled CAD/CAM system, the resins used were resin PMMA blocks, resin bis-acryl and resin heat polymerized. All specimens were thermo cycling and half were immersed in acid beverage for 24 hours, then washed and stored for 60 days before being taken to the mechanical test of flexural strength. Results: A flexural strength was significantly influenced by the material used (p<0.001). Conclusion: According to Tukey test it was found that, regardless of being performed or not immersion in acid beverage immersion, the resin CAD/CAM VIPI PMMA blocks provided the highest flexural strength values being followed by the resin acrylic heat-polymerized VIPI that in turn was statistically superior to resin bis-acrylic Protemp 4. The successful outcome of an oral prosthetic rehabilitation is in the proper planning techniques and materials to be use.
Flávia Pires Neves Pascutti, Simone Kreve, Geraldo Alberto Pinheiro de Carvalho, Patricia Grecco, Aline Batista Gonçalves Franco and Sergio Cândido Dias
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