ISSN: 2319-9865
Evaluation of Acne Severity and Its Impact on Young Adults
This study was conducted to evaluate the severity of acne and acne scarring and its impact on quality of life among fifty-five students in “Foundation Course” of Quest International University Perak, Malaysia, aged between 18-22 years. Among the students, 44 female and 11 male with the acne lesions were evaluated, by using Cardiff Acne Disability Index (CADI), and the variables like weather, stress, etc. were also correlated. More female students reported worsening of acne lesions during hot weather (36.4%), stress (63.6%) and usage of cosmetics (54.5%) than male students (9.1%, 36.4% and 9.1% respectively). They also had premenstrual aggravation of acne (56.8%) and thinning of scalp hair (45.5%). The clinical severity of acne and atrophic scarring were mild to moderate grade in both genders and more number of females had post acne pigmentation (77.3%) than males (45.5%). There was strong positive correlation between the clinical severity of acne and atrophic scarring (r2=26.16%; p=0.0004) and pigmentation (r2=24.14%; p=0.0007) in females. They also had significant correlation of the CADI with subjective perception on impact of acne (r2= 23.23%; p=0.0009) such as disfigurement, psychosocial and failure of treatment. Males showed significant correlation of clinical severity of acne to stress (r2=38.55%; p=0.03), atrophic scar (r2=86.75%; p<0.0001) and CADI (r2=42.54%; p=0.02). This study exhibited that the quality of life in young adults with acne had more psychological and psychosocial impact in both genders.
KM Padmavathy, J Prasanna Kumar, Alam Sher Malik, T Pandurangan, RK Marya,and Rukhsana HM
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