e-ISSN: 2320-0812
Evaluation of Oral Mucoadhesive Metoprolol succinate Controlled Release Tablets
The idea of mucoadhesive was derived from the requirement to localize medication at a particular site within the body. Extent of drug absorption are often increased by increasing duration of the drug at the absorption site within the GI tract. Since several medication are absorbed solely from the higher a part of the bowel localizing oral drug delivery systems within the abdomen or within the small intestine would considerably improve the extent of drug absorption The idea of mucoadhesive was derived from the requirement to localize medication at a particular site within the body. Extent of drug absorption is often increased by increasing duration of the drug at the absorption site within the GI tract. Since several medication are absorbed solely from the higher a part of the bowel localizing oral drug delivery systems within the abdomen or within the small intestine would considerably improve the extent of drug absorption
Sasidhar R
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