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Research Article Open Access

Evaluation of the Clinical Simulation for the Teaching-Learning of the Nursing Diagnostic Reasoning


Introduction: Among the active methodologies, there stands out the realistic simulation, which, while nursing teaching tool, allows reproducing aspects of nursing care, in which the student is free to repeat the scene as many times as necessary to achieve full learning. Objective: To evaluate the clinical simulation as a strategy of teachinglearning of the nursing diagnostic reasoning through the debriefing

Methods: A cross-sectional study in a Public University in North eastern Brazil. The participants were forty-five students from the Nursing Undergraduate Course. Study developed at the laboratory of clinical simulation in the period from August to September 2019. Results: Five clinical scenarios were simulated. Concerning the overall reliability of the Debriefing Assessment Scale, the value of Cronbach’s alpha, in this research, was 0.903. The overall mean agreement was 4.0 points, being higher for the cognitive (4.52), psychosocial (3.97) and affective (3.84) values.

Conclusion: Clinical simulation was considered an excellent strategy for the teaching-learning of nursing diagnostic reasoning, based on the high values of the items evaluated by nursing students. Simulated cases mediated by debriefing foster the construction of clinical, critical and applied reasoning.

Richardson Augusto Rosendo da Silva1, Aurean D’Eça Júnior2*, Graciele Oroski Paes3, Harlon França de Menezes4, Cintia Capistrano Teixeira Rocha1, Marcio Rossato Badke5, Silvana Bastos Cogo5, Graciela Dutra Sehnem5, Gianfábio Pimentel Franco5, Silvana Ceolin6, Gabriel Lautenschleger5, Silvia Tereza Nogueira Sibalde7, Flavia Regina Vieira da Costa7, Lívia dos Santos Rodrigues8, Vera Lucia Freitag9, Lívia Anniele Sousa Lisboa2, Ariele Priebe Reisdorfer5, Lidiana Batista Teixeira Dutra Silveira5, Simone Buchignani Maigret10, Aline Ost dos Santos5, Marcos Aurélio Matos Lemões11, Jaiza Sousa Penha2, Lívia Alessandra Gomes Aroucha2, Sara Fiterman Lima12, Thayná Cunha Bezerra2, Yonna Costa Barbosa13, Gabriela Oliveira5, Lívia Mariane Castelo Branco Reis Coutinho de Oliveira12, Laine Cortês Albuquerque Castro13, Debora Priscila Costa Freire2, Larissa Lira Brito13, Roseana Costa Teixeira7, Andressa de Andrade5, Alexa Pupiara Flores Coelho5, Nivya Carla de Oliveira Pereira Rolim2, Ana Helia de Lima Sardinha2, Poliana Pereira Costa Rabêlo2

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