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Research Article Open Access

Evolution of Dual Port Elliptical Monopole Antenna for Cognitive Radio Applications


Evolution of elliptical slotted monopole antenna from as simple disc monopole for sensing purpose and then the design of reconfigurable antenna for cognitive radio application with the sensing antenna sharing same partial ground plane is proposed in this paper. The design consists of two printed monopole antenna printed over FR4 substrate, sharing a common partial ground. The first antenna is the sensing antenna for spectrum sensing, having wideband characteristic and omnidirectional radiation pattern. The second one is the communicating antenna which is a frequency reconfigurable monopole antenna with the switch on the antenna structure. The simulation result shows that the sensing antenna works in the range of 2.23 to12.75 GHz and fabricated counterpart of sensing antenna shows measured results in close conformity with one another while reconfigurable communicating antenna shows reconfiguration in frequency with variation in switch positions.

Prof. M.S. Narlawar , Dr. S. L. Badjate

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