e-ISSN: 2321-6182 p-ISSN: 2347-2332

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Review Article Open Access

Examination of Natural Products Gives Experiences to Future Revelation Patterns


Natural Products research is by all accounts at a basic point as far as its significance to current organic science. We have assessed this scene of compound variety to pose key inquiries, including the accompanying. How has the pace of disclosure of new regular items advanced in the course of the last 70 y? Has normal item primary curiosity changed as a component of time? Has the pace of novel disclosure declined as of late? Does investigating novel ordered space bear the cost of a benefit as far as original compound revelation? Is it conceivable to gauge that we are so near portraying all of the compound space covered by normal items? Also, at long last, is there still worth in investigating regular items space for novel organically dynamic normal items?

Prashanth Kumar

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