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Research Article Open Access

Experimental Investigation of Geo Polymer Concrete with Pebbles as Coarse Aggregate


This study deals with the different properties of Geo Polymer concrete using fly ash and pebbles as coarse aggregate. Potassium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide solution are used as alkali activators. The strength is compared with Geo polymer concrete and conventional concrete. Fly ash-based Geo polymer concrete is a new material that does not need the Portland cement as a binder. There are two main constituents of geo polymers, namely the source materials and the alkaline liquids. The source material for geo polymers is based on alumina-silicate which should be rich in silicon (Si) and aluminium (Al). These could be natural minerals such as kaolinite, clays, etc. Alternatively, by-product materials such as fly ash could be used as source materials. Fly ash is a by-product from the coal industry, which is widely available in the world. Fly ash is rich in silicate and alumina, it reacts with alkaline solution to produce alumino silicate gel. This gel binds the loose aggregates and other unreacted materials in the mixture to form the geo polymer concrete. Hence, fly ash-based geo polymer concrete is a good alternative to overcome the abundant of fly ash. They have very high earlier strength. Fly ash based geo polymer also provided better resistance against aggressive environment and at high temperature compared to normal concrete

S. Divya, T.Nithyanandam, R. Ramasubramani

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