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Research Article Open Access

Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer Enhancement from Waveform Pin-Fins


The work reported in this paper is an attempt to enhance heat transfer in electronic devices with the use of waveform pin-finned heat sinks. The cooling performance of electronic devices has attracted increased attention owing to the demand of compact size, higher power densities and demands on system performance and re-liability. Pressure drop across heat sink is one of the key variables that govern the thermal performance of the heat sink in forced convection environment. There are several analytical methods to estimate the heat transfer rate, however correctly selecting one that can represent the reality over a range of airflow found in typical electronics cooling application is difficult. In this paper, we propose a modified experimental method to estimate the heat transfer and used it to calculate the thermal performance through different theoretical pressure drop equations. The rapid advancement in technology of microprocessors has led electronics thermal system designer is to pay increased attention to the waveform fin heat sink. The advantages of using a waveform fin heat sink are light weight, low profile and small footprint. There are three manufacturing methods for bonding the waveform fin to the base of heat sink: adhesive bonding, soldering, and brazing.The newly developed comparison method allowed a detailed numerical study of the influence of waveform pin cross-section on the performance of pin fin arrays used in the electronics industry.

Hajare Swapnali R., Dr. Kore Sandeep S.

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