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Case Report Open Access

Extraction and Immediate Implant Placement, and Provisionalization with two Years Follow-up: A Case Report.


This case report describes extraction of a fractured right maxillary central incisor tooth, followed by immediate placement of a dental implant in the prepared socket and temporization by a bonded restoration. The tooth was extracted with minimal hard and soft tissue trauma and without flap reflection. The socket was prepared to the required depth and a Straumman Implant was inserted. An impression was made 4 months after implant insertion, and a definitive restoration was placed. The atraumatic operating technique and the immediate insertion of the Implant resulted in the preservation of the hard and soft tissues at the extraction site. The patient exhibited no clinical or radiologic complications through two years of clinical monitoring after loading. The dental implant and provisional restoration provided the patient with immediate esthetics, function, comfort and most importantly preservation of tissues.

Abu-Hussein Muhamad, Bajali Musa, and Abdulgani Azzaldeen

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