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Research Article Open Access

Facilitating Educational Industry with Cloud Computing


Cloud Computing emerges as one solution to many problems of education Industry such as growing information processing needs, lack of funds, poor infrastructure and ever growing demands of learners. Cloud computing means infrastructure need not be owned but hired thus lowering investment in infrastructure and lack of ownership reduces the management responsibility. Cloud provides the right infrastructure at right time at reduced cost solving funding problem but provides all the benefits of using best of the technologies. Cloud computing is the delivery of computing as a service rather than a product, whereby shared resources, software, and information are provided to computers and other devices as a utility over a network [1]. Education Industry can migrate its business needs to cloud by identifying the requirements of its stakeholders and implementing them as services on the cloud. We have identified one such commonly required need of student project management and evaluation. The design and implementation of one such service brings out the process requirements and the lessons learned can be used in developing a framework for rapid development of services for diverse and ever changing requirements of education industry.


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