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Research Article Open Access

Fault Analysis of Injection Substation Using Symmetrical Component Method and Validation of Results Using MATLAB: a Case Study of Mofor Injection Substation, Delta State, Nigeria


This study centers on the fault analysis of 15MVA Mofor Injection Substation, which is an Injection Substation located in Warri, Delta state which gets its source from PTI transmission station. Mofor Injection substation has two outgoing feeders which are Orhuwhorun feeder and Ekete feeder. The analysis was carried out and deductions were made considering the various faults which occurred during the period of assessment and their associated fault current was calculated using symmetrical Component method of Fault analysis. A model of the distribution network was made using Electrical Transient Analyzer Program [ETAP]; the value of real and reactive powers and voltage magnitudes in the whole network was observed. From data obtained from the injection substation indicates that Orhuwhorun feeder has a higher frequency of fault and from results obtained from Symmetrical method of fault analysis revealed that double Line to ground fault has the highest fault current and could cause adverse damages to equipment’s and as such must be avoided. The fault current calculated from Symmetrical component method of Fault analysis was validated with computer program MATLAB as results agreed closely since error was below 0.1%. This paper covers the transient stability analysis of 33/11 kV Substation of Mofor Injection Substation and the results are based on actual data received from the substation.

Oladimeji JA

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