ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)
Finite Element modelling of ‘Rang Ghar’ monument, Assam
This paper presents the results of static and dynamic analyses of the masonry monumental structure ‘Rang Ghar’ constructed during the Ahom dynasty (1744-1751 AD) in Sibsagar district of Assam, India, using the commercial finite element (FE) software, Abaqus (2010). Rang Ghar is a two storied masonry monumental structure of 12 meter height, with a dome type roof, thick masonry walls and a series of arch openings at both floors. The static analysis shows that, in general, the structural configuration of the masonry complex is adequate to withstand gravity loads (self weight and live load). Most stressed region is the entrance arch walls at the ground level with a maximum value of compressive stress of about 0.45 MPa. Also, displacement resultant distribution suggests that a maximum displacement of around 0.94 mm at top arch roof. Based on the dynamic analysis, first three mode shapes of the Rang Ghar have been presented.
Shashank Burman, Kumar Pallav, Konjengbam Darunkumar Singh
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