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Research Article Open Access

For Implementation of e-Governance in Rural Areas of Punjab


e-Governance is basically an application of ICTs (Information & Communication Technologies) that uses ICTs in Government & Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) to provide citizens with services. Punjab Government had implemented a number of projects at district, tehsil and sub-tehsil levels to serve its citizens. But due to some reasons, rural citizens are not aware about these projects and their services. That is why, these projects are suffering from their poor implementation. This research paper describes the factors like availability and usage of internet in villages, awareness of rural citizens about e-Governance projects, satisfaction of citizens from these running projects etc.. PSEGS (Punjab State e-Governance Society), Sukhmani Society and other bodies, which are responsible for implementing e-Governance, should be aware about these factors.

Dr. Pardeep Mittal, Amandeep Kaur

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