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Formulation And Evaluation Of Fast Dissolving Tablets Of Febuxostat By Sublumation Method
Febuxostat which is a BCS class II anti-Gout drug was prepared into Solid Dispersion to increase its solubility. FDT is a dosage form that disintegrates instantly when placed on tongue, releases the active ingredient that dissolves/disperses in the saliva. Formulated Fast Dissolving Tablets (FDT) by Sublimation Technique, as the porous surface on the tablet helps in rapid disintegration and dissolution of drug, even by selection of Superdisintegrants. superdisintegrants like sodium starch glycolate (SSG), Croscarmellose sodium (CCS), Kyron T-314 and Kyron T-134 by using Sublimation Technique. Formulated FDT were evaluated for different parameters and optimization was done by trial and error. A 32 full factorial design was applied to study the combined effect of two independent variables as the amount of Camphor (X1) and Kyron T-314 (X2). The disintegration time (Y1) and wetting time (Y2) were selected as dependent variables. Batch F9 containing Camphor (15 mg) and Kyron T-314 (10 mg) shows less disintegration time (16 sec.) and less wetting time (13 sec.) and good drug release (106%) at 6 min. compared to other batches.