ISSN: 2320-2459

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Review Article Open Access

Fusion Reactor with Internal Neutron-Helium-3 Plasma Heating


The creation of thermonuclear reactors with a catalytically supported approach to the implementation of thermonuclear energy with high power density and dynamic stability is proposed. In the reactor, internal neutron heating of the plasma takes place on D-3He fuel composition with a catalytically stabilized composition, the fuel is heated by interacting with thermal neutrons and the resulting plasma is heated with a regime of radial localization and acceleration along the magnetic field. The formation of a reactor fuel cycle closed for tritium, helium-3 and neutrons is underway. They burn out in the process and are built up again. The high efficiency is due to the fact that the cross section and reaction rate of neutrons withequation are higher than the values of other thermonuclear reactions over the entire temperature range. The use of Retarding Focusing Structure (RFS) a thermalization device and the formation of a directed neutron flux, makes it possible to increase the density in the flow of thermal neutrons returned to the plasma by means of the RFS by more than equation factor. (Here the energy of the emerging fast ions is 107 eV, the energy of thermal neutrons is 0.025 eV.) Thermal neutrons interact in the plasma with 3He, in this case fast ions T are born interacting with D-3He of the fuel composition and the energy release in the reactor increases, the neutrons return and then the hot plasma is removed to form a thrust pulse of a jet engine or for conversion into electrical energy. Modeling allowed us to conclude that a fusion reactor with an internal catalytic cycle can be quite compact.

Drobyshevsky Yury Vasilyevich1, Anfimov Ilya Mikhailovich2, Valery A. Varlachev3, Kobeleva Svetlana Petrovna2, Nekrasov Sergey Aleksandrovich4, Stolbov Sergey Nikolaevich1*, Korzеnevsky Aleksandr Viadimirovich1

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