ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Future Trends of Cloud Computing Security: An Extensive Investigation
This paper reviews methods to be developed for anonymizing data in cloud from 2015 to 2014 . Publishing microdata such as census or patient data for extensive research and other purposes is an important problem area being focused by government agencies and other social associations. The traditional approach identified through literature survey reveals that the approach of eliminating uniquely identifying fields such as social security number from microdata, still results in disclosure of sensitive data, k-anonymization optimization algorithm ,seems to be promising and powerful in certain cases ,still carrying the restrictions that optimized k-anonymity are NP-hard, thereby leading to severe computational challenges. k-anonimity faces the problem of homogeneity attack and background knowledge attack . The notion of l-diversity proposed in the literature to address this issue also poses a number of constraints , as it proved to be inefficient to prevent attribute disclosure (skewness attack and similarity attack), ldiversity is difficult to achieve and may not provide sufficient privacy protection against sensitive attribute across equivalence class can substantially improve the privacy as against information disclosure limitation techniques such as sampling cell suppression rounding and data swapping and pertubertation. This paper aims to discuss efficient anonymization approach that requires partitioning of microdata equivalence classes and by minimizing closeness by kernel smoothing and determining ether move distances by controlling the distribution pattern of sensitive attribute in a microdata and also maintaining diversity.
R.S.Venkatesh, P.K.Reejeesh, Prof.S.Balamurugan, S.Charanyaa
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