ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Fuzzy Logic Based Query Optimization in Distributed Database
Structural Query Language (SQL) is very restrictive in data extraction. Classical SQL queries have remarkable capabilities in terms of data extraction and answer formation from information stored at widely dispersed databases. Human queries are rarely crisp which poses challenges in efficient answer formation and data retrieval. These are based on human perception which is grossly inexact and imprecise based on world knowledge. Integration of query languages with fuzzy logic can increase their capability in data retrieval based on human perception. Query optimization is a difficult task in a distributed client/server environment as data location becomes a major factor. The integration of a query processing subsystem into a distributed database management system with fuzzy logic is used for analyzing query response time across fragmentations of global relations. Fuzzy logic based query optimization in distributed database have an important impact on the performance of distributed query processing.
Abhijeet R Raipurkar1,G.R.Bamnote2
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