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Generic Lossless Visible Watermarking: A Review
Generic visible watermarking is a method with an ability of lossless image recovery. The method is based on the one to one compound mapping. The method uses deterministic one-to-one compound mappings of image pixel values for superimposing a variety of visible watermarks of random sizes on cover images. Compound mappings are proved to be a reversible technique, and hence allows the lossless recovery of original images from watermarked images. To yield pixel values close to those of preferred visible watermarks the mappings may be adjusted. There are different types of visible watermarks, i.e opaque monochrome visible watermark and translucent full color visible watermark. These are embedded as applications of the proposed common approach. A 2-fold monotonically growing compound mapping is also one of the type of visible watermark which is created and proved to get more distinctive visible watermarks in the watermarked image. In this paper, security protection measures by parameter and mapping randomizations have also been proposed to prevent attackers from criminal image recoveries. Experimental results represents the effectiveness of the future approach are also included.
Mrunali U. Bhaisare, Prof. V.R.Raut
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