ISSN: 2319-9865
Giant Anterior Urethral Diverticulum Misdiagnosed As Urethral Stricture: Case Report
Urethral diverticulum is a sac-like out-pouching of urethral mucosa. It may be anterior or posterior and is less common in males. It can be congenital or acquired. The most common etiologies of male acquired diverticula are strictures, abscess, trauma or post-hypospadias repair. We report a case of acquired urethral diverticulum that is post-traumatic and misdiagnosed as a urethral stricture. On Retrograde Urethro Cystogram (RUCG), a huge urethral outpouching was seen in the proximal anterior urethra with pool of contrast medium within it suggestive of a giant diverticulum. The demonstrated mass was palpable even before the RUCG examination. Imaging (RUCG) is very essential in differentiating between urethral diverticulum and urethral strictures, thus should be requested in evaluation of patients with such diagnosis.
Danfulani M, and Musa MA
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