ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Hashing Technique - SQL Injection Attack Detection & Prevention
In today‟s digital world, Web applications are being used in numerous ways in recent years to provide online services such as banking, shopping, social networking, etc. These applications operate with sensitive user information and hence there is greater need for assuring their confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Extensive use of websites and web applications has attracted hackers to attack on it using various tricks and techniques. SQL injection is one of most used attack we face nowadays. In SQL Injection Attack (SQLIA) the attacker can trick the server to obtain illegal authorization and asses the database using SQL queries. This is because the developers of the applications do not know fully about the attacks by SQL injection and its causes. This research paper focused on how to detect and prevent SQL injection attacks on websites and web applications using hashing technique
Parveen Sadotra
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