ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Healthcare Systems: Wireless Sensor Networks Using Recent Advances on Energy Efficient Cluster Based Routing Protocols
Sensed data by accessing infrastructure networks as shown in A number of hospitals and medical centers are exploring applications of wireless sensor network (WSN) technology to a wide range of medical applications, including pre-hospital, and in-hospital emergency care, disaster response, and stroke patient rehabilitation. Current Healthcare Wireless Sensor Networks (HCWSN) research trends focus on patient, reliable communication, patient mobility, and energy-efficient routing, among others. The studies focus on different cluster-based routing protocols which are used in increasing energy efficiency of WSN for healthcare application and to point out important issues in cluster-based routing (CBR) protocol that guide to improve them in order to extend their application range. Today, WSNs are becoming popular and many routing protocols have been proposed in the literature with a focus on the hierarchical routing. This paper surveys the WSNs energy-efficient CBR techniques that are used for Healthcare Communication system. Recent advancement and limitations of previous studies were highlighted. The routing protocols are categorized according to their respective energy efficiency. We intend for researchers to quickly identify areas that require more attention and to propose a novel methodology for improving the effectiveness of existing protocols.
Dr.Kathir.Viswalingam, G.Ayyappan
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