e-ISSN No.:2581-3897
Heat Shock Protein and their Significance in Fish Health
Despite decades of intensive investigation, important questions remain regarding the functional, ecological, and evolutionary roles of heat shock proteins. In this paper, we review the relevant studies of heat shock protein genes and the functional use in fish health. Although molecular studies of the heat shock proteins in fish are still in their early descriptive phase, data are rapidly being collected. More is known about the biotic and abiotic factors regulating heat shock proteins. We briefly review these studies and focus on the role of heat shock proteins in development and their importance in fish in nature. Functional genomic approaches will provide the tools necessary to gain a comprehensive understanding of the significance of heat shock proteins in the cellular stress response, in the physiological processes at higher levels of organization, and in the whole animal in its natural environment.
Addisu Demeke, Asmelash Tassew
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