e-ISSN: 2347-7857 p-ISSN: 2347-7849
Herbal Approach in Treating Diabetes- A Review
Diabetes mellitus it’s a type of chronic metabolic disorder due to reduced insulin activity or lack of insulin in the body which ends up in hyperglycaemia and abnormalities in carbohydrate, protein and fats metabolism. It is one of the emerging disease observed all over the world and resulting in various others complications by effecting other parts of the body like heart, kidney, eye, skin etc., if untreated or uncontrolled diabetes results in mortality. Uncontrolled and untreated diabetes leads to severity of the diabetes. The diabetes mellitus can be treated by using herbal medicines or allopathic medicines but when compared to the allopathic treatment the ayrvedic is opted by many diabetic patients even though it takes time to control the blood sugar levels it just because of its less cost and low side effects. Several studies revealed that the herbal combinations i.e., polyherbal combination is showing the synergetic activity. The other studies also revealed that integrated ayurvedic and allopathic approach leads to better healthy life.
Surabhi Kavya, Mamatha M
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