ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Hybrid Based Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Network Routing Algorithm for Farmland
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consist of a large number of small and low cost sensor nodes powered by small batteries and equipped with various sensing devices. Usually, for many applications, once a WSN is deployed, probably in an inhospitable terrain, it is expected to gather the required data for quite some time, say four years. Since each sensor node has limited energy, these nodes are usually put to sleep to conserve energy, and this helps to prolong the network lifetime. The proposed routing protocols do not consider energy of the nodes while selecting routes which leads to early exhaustion of nodes and partitioning of the network. This paper attempts to provide an energy aware routing algorithm and WSN system relative to the distance and link state performance of the algorithm. Result of system is analyzed with the help of graph. The proposed algorithm shows efficient energy utilization to increased network lifetime to farmland.
Pramod T. Shitole, UmeshL. Kulkarni
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