e-ISSN: 2322-0139 p-ISSN: 2322-0120

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Research Article Open Access

Hypoglycemic Effect of 6-Gingerol, an Active Principle of Ginger in Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Rats


6-gingerol is an aromatic polyphenol, active ingredients of ginger used for various pharmacological activities. The present study was investigated to evaluate the hypoglycemic effect of 6-gingerol (25, 50mg/kg bw) in streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic rats. The study was carried out by oral administration of 6-gingerol in a dose dependent manner (25, 50mg/kg bw) once a day for 42 days. Diabetes was induced in rats with STZ (60mg/kg bw/i.p). Albino rats (n=30) each weighing 160-180g were divided in to 5 groups in 6 animals each. Group A served as normal control, group B served as diabetic and was not given 6-gingerol. Group C and D rats were diabetic and oral administration of 6-gingerol (25, 50mg/kg bw). Group E rats were diabetic and given oral administration of glibenclamide (600μg/kg bw) as standard reference standard. Blood samples of each group were collected and analyzed blood glucose on 1st day (after making them diabetic), 21st and 42nd day. Blood glucose level remained unaltered in group A and B over time. However, group C, D and E given 6-gingerol (25, 50mg/kg bw) and glibenclamide (0.05mg/kg bw) showed significant (P<0.05) reduction in blood glucose level after day1, 21 and 42 post treatment. It may be concluded that 6-gingerol has hypoglycemic effect on diabetic rats.

Kumeshini Sukalingama, Kumar Ganesana, and Sharmila Banu Ganib

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