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Research Article Open Access

ICT Needs for Rural India: A Review


For any country to progress, the rural area contributes a lot in development of that country. With reference to India, there are 638,000 villages, 5100 towns and over 380 urban agglomerations. The villages are in huge number as compared to urban areas. But the contradiction to this fact is that rural area is lagging in progress as compared to the urban areas. The primary occupation of India is agriculture; the rural area is quite concerned with this occupation. Still, the observation is that the strength of our rural areas in terms of financial, standard of living is not so good, which indirectly affects on the national growth. The paper deals with how effectively we can use ICT (Information and Communication Technology) to strengthen the rural areas. There are various aspects on which the rural development is based as agriculture, improving standard of living, imparting education, women empowerment and many more. Firstly, the active participation of citizens and positive response of them is necessary to implement all those things. “Information Communication Technology” concentrates on these three words: Information, Communication and Technology; to promote information via communication with the help of technology. The large business investment must be done in the agriculture, animal husbandry, etc. The paper focuses on the need of ICT for rural development. Implementing ICT involves a lot of things. First, to interact with people, establishing the network and so on. The strategies can be changed by using ICT as using it by connecting to the experts in the European countries and taking guidance of them to improve the current situation. The paper spotlights on all the points which contribute to the rural development.

Vaishnavi Jaywant Deshpande, Dr. Rajeshkumar U. Sambhe

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