ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)
Identifying & Isolating Multiple Black Hole Attack on AODV protocol in MANET
A mobile ad hoc network can be described as a wireless network which is a collection of heterogeneous mobile devices and is self-organizing, self-configuring. The security in MANET is a highly preferred research area these days because it is susceptible to various attacks like multiple black hole attack which we are discussing in this paper. A Multiple Black Hole Attack is a type of DOS attack which effects network load, packet end to end delay and network throughput. This paper investigates the study of AODV protocol under Multiple Black Hole Attack. This approach can be used to detect multiple black hole nodes present in an ad hoc network. The purpose of the designed algorithm is to avail stability in the network when it is under attack by multiple malicious nodes, maintaining a reasonable level of packet end to end delay, packet loss & throughput. It will also help in maintaining a secure passage to destination. In this algorithm we make use of the knowledge based learning & Bogus RREQ to validate each node in its path thereby providing a direct negotiation for secure route.
Aman Saurabh,Rakesh Yadav, Harjeet Kaur
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