ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Image Encryption Using Chaotic Map and Prime modulo Multiplicative Linear Congruential Generator
The chaos based cryptographic algorithms have suggested some new and efficient ways to develop secure image encryption techniques because of its exceptionally desirable properties of sensitivity to initial condition and parameters of chaotic map. In this study an image encryption algorithm is presented, in which chaos based encryption technique and prime modulo multiplicative linear Congruential generator (PMMLCG) has been used to improve the quality of image encryption and to achieve the goal of pixel scrambling. The proposed algorithm generates random numbers, which are used in row shuffling, column shuffling and pixel scrambling which results in encryption technique highly resistive to cryptanalytic attack. Results and effectiveness is measured in qualitative and quantitative metrics which shows that this encryption algorithm is securefor encryption of images.
Sukhjeevan Kaur, Shaveta Angurala
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