ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Image Sharing in Clouds based on N-Server Forward Re-encryption System
Cloud computing technology can be utilized in medical domain to make it useful for the humanity by providing solution for electronically sharing medical images securely over the Internet. The medical image storage in a public cloud or a third party cloud system can mystify the confidentiality and integrity of data. Hence to provide a secure access for the medical images stored in the cloud, we propose a n-server forward re-encryption scheme incorporated with d-dimensional erasure codes. The distributed image storage system not only provides secure image storage but also provides image forwarding and retrieval of images. The key management is done by the key servers thereby reducing the overhead for users. The key aspect of the n-server encoding scheme is the encoding of the encrypted medical images for storage and forwarding or retrieval of those images based on authenticated request. The proposed secure cloud storage system provides secure data storage and secure data forwarding functionality in a decentralized structure.
S.Ephina Thendral , S.Indra Priyadharshini
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