ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Impact of Route Stability under Random Based Mobility Model in MANET
A basic issue arising in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) is the selection of the optimal path between any two nodes. A method that has been advocated to improve routing efficiency is to select the most stable path so as to avoid packet losses and limit the latency and overhead due to path reconstruction. In the existing system, the work in considers nodes moving along non random patterns where nodes start moving from the same location. It causes short route disruption. This fact makes the analysis more complex but at the same time permits to relate probability of link duration and/or availability at time t to the initial distance between nodes. To avoid this problem, In proposed system nodes moving along random direction model. The links along a path may fail and an alternate path must be found. Through our results, we study the problem of selecting an optimal route in terms of path availability. Finally, we propose an approach to improve the efficiency of reactive Routing protocols.
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