ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Imperceptible Digital Image Watermarking
The procedure of digital image watermarking can be delineated as a method for embedding information into another image. The embedding image can be either visible or hidden from the user. In this project we will concentrate on imperceptible watermarks. The principal intention of digital watermarks is to provide copyright protection for intellectual property that is in digital format. One of the main challenges of the watermarking problem is to achieve a better tradeoff between robustness and perceptivity. Robustness can be achieved by increasing the strength of the embedded watermark. DWT technique is used as it provides both a simultaneous spatial localization and a frequency spread of the watermark within the host image. This scheme is highly efficient as the watermark is employed with chaotic map to shuffle the pixel position of the image. Embedding process produced good results for images of different sizes and formats.
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