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Research Article Open Access

Implementation and Performance Analysis of Single User-MIMO Test bed for Pilot Symbol Based TD-LTE Downlink Channels


This paper, design and utilize the implementation of 8 × 2 outdoor single-user multiple-input, multiple-output (SU- MIMO) systems for time division duplex TDD-LTE channels at 2.680 GHz to 2.690 GHz. With this purpose, there is a need for accurate and actual radio propagation model at these bands where around the Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) campus network. We develop a transformative test bed evaluation single user for real time network. In that SU-MIMO test bed, both the transmitter and the receiver communications are made by employing eight (four pairs of cross polarization) antennas in the transmitter side and 2 at the receiver for real time network. Measurements and challenges are to show the characteristics of the current physical downlink control channel (PDCCH) and physical downlink shared channel (PDSCH) sensitive to absolute power levels may not be enough to support a large number of UEs in a cell. Another weakness of the current cellular network is to reach an accurate synchronization such as coarse timing synchronization (CTS) between the received symbols .This CTS defect can lead to the severe performance degradation and issue for MIMO wireless systems.

AnkushBadhe,AdityaSaxena,VaibhavNagvekar,SarfarazSiddiqui and Saurabh Mehta

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