ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Implementation of Multipath Routing Scheme for Detecting Malicious Node in MANET
Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) consists of mobile nodes that are connected via very dynamic multihop channels. Routing in MANET is a challenging task. This is primarily due to their infrastructure less property of MANET. In a MANET, each node not only works as a host but can also act as a router. While receiving data, nodes also need cooperation with each other to forward the data packets, thereby forming a wireless local area network. These great features also come with serious drawbacks from a security point of view. For instance, the presence and collaboration of malicious nodes in the network may disrupt the routing process, leading to a malfunctioning of the network operations. This work aims to identify the malicious nodes by using the novel approach called Acknowledge Based Route Discovery (ABRD), and also to provide alternative path using multipath routing algorithm, if such malicious node/nodes detected in routing path, during the route discovery. And also maintain blacklist of such malicious nodes so that all the nodes can be alerted not to use any route in which detected malicious node is participating.
Neha B. Bhoyar, Prof. Poonam P. Borkar
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