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Research Article Open Access

Implementation of optimized cost, Load and Service monitoring for Grid Computing


Managing resources and smartly valuation them on computing systems may be a difficult task. Resource sharing demands careful load leveling and sometimes strives to attain a win-win state of affairs between resource suppliers and users. Toward this goal, we consider a joint treatment of load leveling and valuation. we have a tendency to don't assume static valuation to see load leveling, or the other way around. Instead, we have a tendency to study the link between the worth that a computing node is charged and therefore the load and revenue that it receives. We find that there exists associate degree optimum worth that maximizes the revenue. we have a tendency to then contemplate a multi-user surroundings and explore however the load from a user is balanced on processors with existing hundreds. Finally, we have a tendency to derive associate degree optimum worth that maximizes the revenue in the multi-user surroundings. we have a tendency to appraise the performance of the papered algorithms through simulations.

K.G.S. Venkatesan, AR. Arunachalam , S. Vijayalakshmi3, V. Vinotha

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