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Special Issue Article Open Access

Implementation of SCADA at Mylapore Substation


The aim of this project is to build a compact scheme for monitoring and protecting the substation and its feeders. Presently SCADA is available only in LOAD DESPATCH CENTRES located in CHENNAI and in ERODE. The load dispatch centre is equipped with the SCADA software and the required hardware. The hardware includes the data acquisition, data processing, data transmission etc. All the substations are linked with Load dispatch centres through scada. The operator in the load dispatch centre monitors the parameters and status of any of the substation or the feeders connected to the generating stations. They are monitoring the whole power system and instructing the operators in the substation for the safe operation. They are also assisting the substation operators for the failure, disturbance and restoration

R. Logeswaran, R. Selvamanikandan, N. Subramanian, G. Jothi Priya

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