ISSN: 2319-9865
Importance of Ethics in Today?s Society: Special Emphasis on Medical Ethics
Ethics is a philosophical discipline relating to concepts of good and bad in our moral life in community whereas bioethics is the application of ethics to the field of medication and healthcare. It is the analysis of the ethical issues in health care, health policy and health science. Bioethics is an activity; it is a shared, reflective analysis of ethical concerns in health care, health policy, and health science. Professional groups, hospitals, and certifying or accrediting boards such as the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Health Care Organizations have emphasized the importance of ethical principles through their mission statements and procedures. Hence, in this context this review articles talks about various prevailing issues in the field of health care ethics and their importance for all the involved parties like patients, health care professionals and regulatory groups.
Kumar Babu G
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