ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Improving Scalability of R-Dictionary Using Keyword Based Approach
Translators and language professionals in general, have long claimed that dictionaries are deficient, especially for regarding access and updating of content. Some authors have also noted that these deficiencies are compounded by the fact that language professionals do not receive (proper) training in dictionary use, and therefore do not fully benefit from them. Electronic dictionaries include new search capabilities, not found in traditional dictionaries that could meet user’s needs. Most of the recent work in semantic area suggests the use of Domain specific Ontology to achieve meaningful classification. Hence the design and implementation of a reverse dictionary is described based on the semantic sentence similarity. The objective of this project is to make research in the area of semantic similarity. Semantic similarity is a widely adopted approach to language understanding in which the meaning of a text A is inferred based on how similar it is to another text B. Its scope is typically used in information retrieval with more efficiency and to build a machine that could communicate in natural language.
G.Kokila, Dr.R.Rajasekaran
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