ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Improving Web Page Classification by Vector Space Model
Data mining is a process of collecting and analyzing the data for different purpose. Now a days Data mining is not only used in industries but it is also required for educational institutes. Data mining is an effective tool for decision making, cost cutting, increasing revenues etc. Information can be changed into knowledge and it can become a good source for any organization to survive in today’s cut-throat competition. Most users take the help of search engines and browsers for obtaining data. However, the data we get from these sources is not ready to use type of data. It is very herculean task to covert these data into accurate information. It is just like searching diamonds in the huge ocean. This paper tries to give a new look to traditional data mining process. Web mining embodies three parts i.e. web structure mining, web content mining, web usage mining. This paper suggests a new framework for text mining based on the integration of Information Extraction (IE). Traditional data mining assumes that the information to be ―mined‖ is already in the form of a relational database. Web mining deals with three main areas: web content mining, web usage mining and web structure mining.
PrashantS. Gawande, Prof. Ashish Suryawanshi
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