ISSN: 2320-0189
In Vitro Regeneration of Seven Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) Genotypes from Seed, Terminal Meristem, Terminal Bud, Leaf and Petiole Explants
Strawberry is one of the most important fruits because of its distinctive flavour and being rich in vitamins A and C. World population increase, high demand for strawberry, using more farms and greenhouses for cultivating it as well as time-consuming, and conventional methods of modification make using tissue culture for producing plants which are healthy, uncontaminated a necessity. In this research, Alpine and Sarian are used as cultivars in order to solve the problem of germination in strawberry seeds and the highest proportion of germination was observed in ½ MS+2 mg l-1 GA3 +Sulfuric acid 36 N and +½ MS 2 mg l-1 GA3 + H2O2100%. Afterwards, seven cultivars, Alpine, Camarosa, Gaviota, Pajaro, Paros, Sarian and Selva were used to improve the tissue culture of strawberry. In the experiment carried out for culturing terminal meristem, each cultivar responded perfectly to T12, T4, T2, T1, T3, T14 and T5, respectively. Next, the experiment of regeneration of strawberry from terminal bud was carried out in which each cultivar had the best regeneration rate in B5, B14, B1, B2, B3, B4 and B12. The experiment of bud culture optimization was devised based on the results of final stem culture where the highest amount of production of strawberry plantlets were achieved in O3, O5, O2, O8, O9, O1 and O4. Finally, a complementary experiment to direct regeneration was done on explants of leaves and petioles in which the highest proportion of regeneration was observed in LP24, LP2, LP6, LP13, LP5, LP11 and LP18.
Ahmad Moieni, Ashkan Tavizi, Mokhtar Jalali Javaran, Mehdi Mohebodini, Mohammad Hadi Eskandari and Esmaeil Ebrahimie
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