E- ISSN: 2320 - 3528
P- ISSN: 2347 - 2286
Incidence of Listeria Species in Food and Food Processing Environment: A Review
Listeria is a ubiquitous organism and can be isolated from a variety of sources such as raw foods, soil, stream water, silage, sewage, plants. It is also been found in uncooked meats, fish, uncooked vegetables, unpasteurized milks, their products, processed foods and food processing environments from different parts of the world. Various methods are used to sanitize the food processing environments and to control the organism from the food and the food processing environments. Proper surveillance, rapid detection of Listeria is important to ensure the safety of food products. The article reviews major Listeria incidences in food and food related environments from a global perspective.
Sangeetha Mahadevaiah Shantha and Shubha Gopal
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