ISSN: E 2347-226X, P 2319-9857

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Research Article Open Access



Rajgira (Amaranth) and Cinnamon (Cinnamomumzeylanicum) are cultivated all over the world. Both are very good source of dietary fiber but rajgira contains all the 9 essential amino acids needed by the body. It’s a very heart-healthy grain, containing soluble fibre and unsaturated fatty acids which helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is described in Ayurveda as Madhumeha/Kshaudrameha, which literally means excessive urine with sweet taste like honey. The number of people suffering from Diabetes all over the world is increasing progressively. Ayurveda is oriented toward prevention, health maintenance and treatment of diseases. There are large number of drugs of herbal and mineral origin mentioned in ayurvedic texts, for the treatment of Madhumeha. Some herbal medications showing anti diabetic effects bring into being varying effects on the blood sugar levels with minimal side effects. The present study was conducted on “Incorporation of rajgira and cinnamon in some Indian recipes with special reference to Diabetes Mellitus”. In the present study rajgira flour and cinnamon powder was replaced/ incorporate in Pancake, Dosa, Batti, Methi Kabab, Kadhi, Baked Vegetables, Coffee, Paneer Tikka, Matar Chaat and Sprouts & Channa Bhel. A semi trained panel of 15 members was selected through Triangle Test for evaluation of the incorporated recipes. 9 point Hedonic Rating Scale and Composite Scoring Test was used for evaluation of the incorporated recipes. The data hence collected was coded, tabulated and analysed using various statistical techniques. The statistical measures used were Mean score, Standard Deviation, and Analysis of Variance. On the basis of scores all the rajgira and cinnamon replaced/ incorporated recipes were acceptable and there was no significant difference in all the rajgira and cinnamon incorporated recipes and any of these recipes will be acceptable to diabetic patient.

Richa Nimeshwari, Ankita Gupta and Neeta Chopra

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