ISSN: 2347-7830

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Research Article Open Access

Influence of Adiabatic Gravitational Compression of Atmospheric Mass on the Temperature of the Troposphere


The temperature that the Earth's surface would have without the greenhouse effect, with an atmosphere completely transparent to infrared radiation, or even without an atmosphere at all, is generally estimated at -18°C. The greenhouse effect is estimated to induce a warming of 33°C to justify the surface temperature of +15°C. To explain this discrepancy, we examine, with the ideal gas law, to which the Earth's atmosphere obeys its normal conditions of pressure and temperature, the role that the adiabatic compression of the atmospheric mass subjected to gravity can play. The dimensional analysis of the ideal gas law demonstrates that compression of the atmosphere produces energy, which can be calculated in Joules. The temperature of the atmosphere near the Earth's surface is influenced by both its invariable atmospheric mass, solar irradiation and the greenhouse effect. This calls into question the commonly established Earth's energy budgets which consider almost exclusively radiative effects and which deduce a back radiation attributed to the greenhouse effect which is abnormally high.

Michel Thizon*

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