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Commentary Open Access

Integrating Nursing Theory into Evidence-Based Practice: Bridging the Gap between Research and Patient-Centered Care


Nursing, as a holistic profession, is built upon a foundation of knowledge, compassion and patient-centered care. Over the years, nursing theories have emerged as guiding frameworks that shape the practice, education and research in the field. However, in the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare, it's crucial to align these theoretical frameworks with evidence-based practices to ensure the highest quality of care for patients. Nursing theories provide a conceptual structure that defines the principles and philosophies of nursing practice. They guide nurses in understanding the human experience of illness, wellness and the dynamic interactions between patients, families and healthcare professionals. By encompassing diverse aspects such as communication, care delivery and patient advocacy, nursing theories offer a comprehensive framework for addressing both the physical and emotional needs of patients. When nursing interventions are aligned with theoretical concepts, the interventions become more targeted and personalized, leading to better patient outcomes.

Diana Baptiste

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