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Research Article Open Access

Interactive Voice Response System by Using Asterisk


Electronic Private Branch Exchange System is an existing system for the communication using assigned extension numbers to the receiver. It requires more manpower and introduces difficulties at the time of installation. The main disadvantage of using EPBX that to shift that setup is difficult. If we are choosing an EPBX for organization then it is a difficult task and requires deep knowledge as well as observation for requirements of the office. The proposed system is Interactive Voice Response system (IVRs) utilizes prerecorded voice or messages. The main advantage of this system is that it helps to make system independent of human intervention. IVR system provides appropriate responses in the form of voice. In IVRs we use GSM Gateway having facility of inserting SIM. The number provided by SIM we can make calls. This approach help to improve traditional telephone system to makes it easier and flexible.

Ankita Bhondge, Aditi Bhatkar, Sapna Fender, Sonali Thakre, Megha Goel

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